
Kinetics of electrode processes: hydrogen overvoltage metals. P3061811

You can get the concept of:
Kinetics of electrode processes, polarization, overvoltage, irreversible processes, boundary "electrode-electrolyte interface", V-amperometriya and graphs of current from the building, fuel cells, corrosion, Polarography.

Polarizability of the electrode and the presence of surges are important concepts when considering the electrode processes. That's them due to the fact that the current galvanic cell is always lower than the equilibrium emf and that applied potential, which is higher than the EMF, is essential for the reaction in an electrolytic cell. In addition, a large number of commonly used electrochemical devices (eg, lead-acid battery), and electroanalytical devices (eg, polarography) is the principle of deceleration (high overvoltage) electrode reactions.